West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Looking to identify this plant, Which my nan was going to pull out of her garden, I dug it out from next to the pond and potted it up, Its about two feet high and has large leaves, Was thinking perhaps Gunnera manicata but from looking at pictures im unsure, any help much appreciated!

8 Jul, 2011
I go with your first suggestion, Beattie, it looks like a butterbur leaf to me.
8 Jul, 2011
If I was your Nan I'd have been weeding it out too. As said above it is a butterbur not a Gunnera - the leaves of which are a darker green with very marked veins and a prickly underside. Personally I'd consign the plant to the compost bin.
9 Jul, 2011
Ahh, Thanks. It is a butterbur, Its now been composted :)
9 Jul, 2011
You're welcome...
9 Jul, 2011
It looks like Butterbur to me, otherwise known as Petasites. It's a wild flower, loves damp/ wet situations like stream sides, where it can spread - a lot. Butterbur has a spike of pink flowers in spring before the leaves appear.
The other possibility is Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) which has yellow flowers like a dandelion, which also appear in spring, before the leaves.
So, did you see a pink flower spike or a yellow dandelion-y thing this spring?
8 Jul, 2011