By Lyn52lyn
essex, United Kingdom
Hi there all, have 2 quite large Bay Trees (Standard) in Large pots on the Patio. they suffered during last winter but i cut them back quite hard and they have made loads of new growth this year looking really healthy! in the last few weeks they are loads of leaves turning very! only water from the rain water butt and have fed with ericasious feed.....any suggestions as to WHY PLEASE
- 9 Jul, 2011
thanks Bamboo, didn't realise not acid lovers!!! hope this is where i've gone wrong as i don't want to loose them,
will let you know,
9 Jul, 2011
These plants are not particularly acid lovers, growing perfectly well in ordinary garden soil. Feed with a general purpose product such as Miracle Gro General purpose or ordinary Phostrogen now, again in a week, and then not again this year. Keep well watered, using tap water if you have no other, it'll be fine, won't affect the plant. Pick off affected leaves - could be bacterial or fungal leaf spot, but this usually occurs when plants have other problems anyway.
9 Jul, 2011