By Lexi
United Kingdom
I want a red robin hedge, our trench(!) at the moment is about 20 metres long, don't want to buy huge red robins as am happy to wait for them to grow. So how many would I need please? Any advice would be most welcome, thank you :)
9 Jul, 2011
A well known company sell Photinia Red Robin (photinia x fraseri) at this recommendation
20 -30 CM in 9 CM Pot - 3-5 per Metre at £5.49 each.
30cm / 40cm in 2 litre pot " at £5.99
50cm / 70cm in 2 litre pot " at £6.49
60cm / 90cm in 5 litre pot 3 per metre at £10
80cm /100cm in 7 litre pot 2-3 per mitre at £18.49
You can of course buy them bigger?1.75m / 2.0 m Root Ball - 1 per mitre but that would come in at approx £80 each x 20 plants.
You really need to do the maths to see what size would be best to plant deal wise even with a discount? good luck.
I have 2 as shrubs they are lovely plants.
9 Jul, 2011
About 25 of them. And definitely go for the short stocky ones because they grow quickly and also its easier to trim them to a nice dense bushy shape. If you start with the tall leggy ones you end up with a leggy hedge with all the growth at the top and nothing at the base.
I give mine a light trim a few times each year to keep it to the size I want and that also seems to stimulate the attractive new red foliage too.
9 Jul, 2011
Plant every 70/80 cm - I leave the calculation to you, lol!
9 Jul, 2011