By Slimdil
United Kingdom
Oh dear, nature can be so cruel. Every early evening we put out a mixture of brown bread, grated cheese, olive oil and a little warm water into our window feeder for the birds. They flock in their dozens to feed, and it makes wonderful viewing. But, tonight, as we were happily watching, a sparrow hawk flew down and snatched one of the little sparrows. The squealing was horrendous. My husband I are so upset. I know "it's nature" but when you actually witness it, it really is difficult. I know - not a questions, but I just had to tell someone.
9 Jul, 2011
I have a female sparrowhawk and she takes a variety of birds and to be honest I am more in awe of her than the prey she takes. The fitter healthier birds escape and the weakest lose their place in the gene pool.
rather her than the mauled birds by the neighbours cats that just maul/maime & kill!
9 Jul, 2011
A Sparrow Hawk has a fly path between our and our neighbours garden. Regularly grabs a little bird. Nature is not the fuzzy bunny image we would like to think it is. The hawk needs to catch smaller birds to survive - that is what it eats! Sorry but this is nature in the raw; WE are the problem!
9 Jul, 2011
I know how you feel. I once saw a sparrowhawk catch a sparrow in our back garden. Like you, the squealing I heard was terrible. I ran out, hoping to chase the sparrowhawk away but it flew past me with the little sparrow in it's claws. I'll never forget the look of that little bird in those talons. As you say, it's nature and at least they only kill to feed, not for fun.
9 Jul, 2011