By Rosie_jo
Isle Of Wight,
United Kingdom
Bit of a weird one this but how do you pronounce "potager"? Thank you
9 Jul, 2011
It is from the French word potage ( pronounced po-taj) so potager will be potajer ( or poh-tajer) with equal emphasis on both syllables
10 Jul, 2011
The French pronounciation is (phonetically) POT..AH..JAY. (the J is soft). I live in France and all my French friends pronounce it this way.
10 Jul, 2011
I agree with Bulbaholic in the UK its pronounced 'Pot' 'ager' nothing fancy at all over here. Its meaning is 'Soup for the pot' The term jardin potager appeared in 1567 in reference to a garden of edible plants - as grown in Monastery gardens.
10 Jul, 2011
Thanks guys. Very helpful. Will be posting some pics of my potager very soon.
10 Jul, 2011
'Pot' as in cooking vessel, then 'ager' as in someone interested in people getting older.
9 Jul, 2011