Our hedge of bottlebrushes (red blooms) is turning so yellow. What are we doing wrong? Are they slowly dying?
By Joannanv
United States
We live in Vegas and they're on a drip system--could we possibly be overwatering?
On plant
Callistemon pallidus
12 Jan, 2009
Related products
Callistemon Pallidus
£13.50 at Burncoose
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« This is probably a very silly question - but it's the first time I have had...
Hi Joannanv and welcome to GoY.
Callistemon likes plenty of water, it is also prone to fungal disease if that water does not drain away freely.
I only have a couple of them, of different types. I notice that Skippy 5869 who is from the U.S. and Marguerite, who is from Queensland, Australia are both growers of this and probably know more than me. I just 'shoved mine in' and they grew.
I suggest that if they don't pick this question up that you look them up on GoY and send one or both a private message. If they can't help then, if you can post a picture, I will contact a friend of mine who is an horticulturalist in Sydney NSW, sending a copy of your picture and see if she can help.
12 Jan, 2009