By Cliffewood
United Kingdom
I have just been given a Nemesis plant, can you give me a little information about it please.
11 Jul, 2011
Nemesia denticulata has been around for years, Beattie, and is fully hardy - but you never used to see it at the garden centres for buying.
11 Jul, 2011
OK, I stand corrected, Bamboo :-)
11 Jul, 2011
Sorry, didn't mean to correct you, just passing on info - I'm interested in what it is they're selling at the garden centres which they're saying is hardy - can you remember the name? Only I've tried various places over the years to get hold of a perennial one with no luck at all.
11 Jul, 2011
Sorry, it was a lilac-y pink and I passed by, full of doubt that it would still be around next year. They've fooled me many times that way, labelling something "perennial" and leaving out the word "tender" :-(
11 Jul, 2011
The ones sold as perennials in the USA are sold as hybrids, and are effectively half-hardy perennials. We use them as winter annuals in the desert, but they occasionally freeze in exceptionally cold winters.
12 Jul, 2011
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Do you mean Nemesia? Up to this year I'd only seen annual varieties of Nemesia, but this year the garden centres have lots that claim to be perennial forms. I don't know how hardy they'd be - I would suspect that they'll be rather frost tender.
11 Jul, 2011