By Bakerow
United Kingdom
want to plant small hedge. needs to be child and pet friendly, evergreen and preferably scented and flowering. what do you suggest
13 Jan, 2009
How about Choisya ternata? Evergreen, aromatic leaves and lovely white scented flowers on and off through the year. It does't object to being pruned, either. (Nor does Escallonia, I realise, Docbob!)
13 Jan, 2009
Escallonia would be my choice, happy in most soil tyoes...grows fairly quickly, loads of scented flowers, easy to prune.
Or, maybe Myrtle, abundant white flowers in the summer and the bonus of purple berries in the winter. I was told they were not very hardy but mine has just shrugged off two weeks of permanent frost, with one night down to -10c
Choisya - nice scent from the flowers but some find the smell from the aromatic leaves to be a bit sickly.
14 Jan, 2009
im new to GoY so have just found your question, i too rate escallonia 'apple blossom' for pale pink and anotherone that sounds like 'donnard' it is a deep pink. slightly larger leaves and flowers. cotoneaster is another good one. Laurel and choisya are also good hedging plants.
13 Feb, 2009
Previous question
« i have previously sprayed with bug clear but they seemed to have returned
Escallonia is my choice, and my favourite is Apple Blossom. It is very strong in all weathers. It grows wild on the Channel Islands.
13 Jan, 2009