By Odella
United Kingdom
I planted a wisteria in Autumn 2009 on a south west facing pergola against a stone wall. It got badly frosted in Spring 2010. Then it got hit by the bad winter 2010 and the dry spring (we are in Northamptonshire). This year nothing happened - there were dryish green buds but nothing erupted - no flowers or leaves. I was just giving it up for dead when on 4th July (after some rain) it suddenly sprouted and all the leaves have come out!! Is this unusual or does this plant have a 6th sense!!
Any comments gratefully received
Mrs Odell
11 Jul, 2011
Previous question
Its not unusual really - plants grow when the conditions are right, and clearly, the conditions haven't been right for this one until now. Plants such as this need to be kept well watered for their first two years - a gallon or so a week during dry spells. After 2 years, they've usually got a good root system and can then withstand a bit of drought.
11 Jul, 2011