By Poppyhans
United Kingdom
I gave my friend some lilly of the valley plants from my garden but unfortunately they all died, does anyone know the reason why!
12 Jul, 2011
Well I'd love to find a way to get rid of... it grows like a weed in our garden and the stollens appear all over the place. In spite of Bulbs yanking it out by the mile it still comes back.
12 Jul, 2011
I've got masses of it too MG. I keep digging out clumps and giving it away. The space left where I've taken it from just fills up with more!
12 Jul, 2011
I do think its one of those that rampages away in some places and refuses to grow at all in others. It seems to be happy in rather heavy soils in shade and doesn't mind being in a draughty corner. If your friend has a site like that perhaps she would like to try again?
12 Jul, 2011
I'd LOVE to have Lily of the Valley! My dad had some in the garden when I was a child and I can still evoke the memory of their scent! Never seen them growing anywhere around or in the very few GCs here. :o(
13 Jul, 2011
We have a light loamy soil and it still gets everywhere. Nariz I'll happily send you some though live plant matter through the post does not always work
13 Jul, 2011
To Moon Growe, Nariz, Steragram, Sheilar, Beattie,
Thankyou for your replies, We will try again.
13 Jul, 2011
I have a very tall growing plant in my garden, the leaves are like those of a gladiola, the flower looks similiar to a freesia only much larger and it is red, the leaves are a bright green, I think it may have been grown from a tuber or bulb any way it is growing in the wrong place and I want to know the best time to replant it,
13 Jul, 2011
Any chance of a photo Poppy? and you might want to post this as a new Q at the moment only those of us who responded to you will see.
13 Jul, 2011
Sounds like a Crocosmia - if it is, I reckon you could move any darned time you like!
13 Jul, 2011
Oh that 'weed'!
13 Jul, 2011
Thanks MG - I'll be up for that! Although you say 'live plant matter' - won't they be corms or little bulbs? I thought L of V died down each winter? If so, a member kindly sent me some C.Lucifer corms which survived to become beautiful plants. On the other hand I have been sent rooted fuchsia cuttings which did not survive, and UN-rooted cuttings which survived the post and rooted later - only to perish in the extra cold winter! :o(
14 Jul, 2011
See PM
14 Jul, 2011
Thanks ladies!
I looked crocosimia (montbresia) on the computer,and yes Beattie you was right, is it really thought of as a weed!!
14 Jul, 2011
Montbretia is Crocosmia's common little cousin, and I certainly regard montbretia as a weed. Crocosmia grows bigger with brighter and more varied colours, so most people value it in the garden. I won't have it due to its nasty associations in my mind, and the fact that I'm programmed to destroy montbretia on sight wouldn't give Crocosmia a chance. It would be out and on the bonfire before I remembered that it was a "special case".
I don't grow "decorative grasses" for the same reason.
14 Jul, 2011
Lol I know what you mean Beattie, I'd have it out before my brain engaged!
14 Jul, 2011
Exactly! And I can't pass a sycamore seedling without hoiking it out either - even on a walk, on a roadside, not anywhere near my garden.....
14 Jul, 2011
I'm a sycamore slayer too, but I do love red crocosmias. Ive got a clump by a lemon potentilla and they look gorgeous. So if you are around my way, please don't hoik them out!
14 Jul, 2011
I'd like to know why too. I have finally got some to take, but I've had lots that have died as well. Maybe Lily of the Valley is a plant that will only grow where it wants to?
12 Jul, 2011