By Elfalf
United Kingdom
I have just bought a cocos Nucifera and am unsure of whether to plant it in the garden or keep it in the conservatory. Help please!
- 12 Jul, 2011
Very frost tender! Even in the conservatory, it will probably need heating in the winter. It could go outside in the summer, but not until well after the last frost, and taken in well before the first frost. Be sure to give it plenty of sun.
12 Jul, 2011
Thank you - really helpful info.
13 Jul, 2011
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« My coliflowers hearts are turning purple,what do Ido about it. Bob Thomson
Hi, keep it in the conservatory, this is the commercial coconut palm, and wouldn,t stand a chance outside,it being native to the seychelles, hope your conservatory is a tall one,lol. good luck, derekm
12 Jul, 2011