By Normanh
United Kingdom
i bought 5 blackcurrant bushes, i think from wilkinson, planted them last november...they are growing vigorously but no fruit has yet appeared....should they have fruit on them or do I have to wait for its 2nd year?...Thank you
13 Jul, 2011
They flower on older wood so you need to wait for next year. Meanwhile, make sure that you have some form of netting ready for next year, or the birds may get to them first!!
13 Jul, 2011
many thanks for replies....i have not seen any flowers to, next mquestion,...... do I leave them alone this year, hoping they will flower and fruit next year, and not prune this years new wood....that would make sense to me...!??
13 Jul, 2011
Blackcurrants flower mostly on the wood that grew the previous year. Don't prune them this year, and don't expect a big crop next year either - let the bush get well established before you start to worry! They are gross feeders and appreciate a good mulch of well rotted manure - just make sure you don't add it over the top of dry soil. In future years cutting out the fruited wood immediately after harvesting is a good move as this gives the plant time to grow some more branches to replace them. When the bush is mature you can cut out about a third of the old branches down almost to ground level - the aim is to encourage new growth from the base.
14 Jul, 2011
Many thanks for your replies and help, i think that is much clearer now, just started a new allotment and i have never grown fruit before...I did'nt realise how tricky they can be....Thanks again
17 Jul, 2011
At a guess I would say that you may have missed the boat this year. Did it flower?
13 Jul, 2011