By Jennyh
United Kingdom
I have two questions.
1st. I bought a lovely pink hydrangea a few months ago and now the flowers are faded and a little bit rained damaged, can I cut the flower heads off now or do I have to wait till spring.
2nd. My clematis (Jackmanii) has finished flowering. Can I cut this back now, I am never really sure when I am supposed to cut this one back and how far I cut it back. Its always been a bit straggly when is the best time to feed it.
I hope these two questions make some sense.
13 Jul, 2011
Thanks Seaburngirl, I will put a bit of grow more around the clematis and see if this helps and I think I will leave the hydrangea for now.
13 Jul, 2011
Seems Jackmanii Clematis are in group 3. Usually pruned in March low down. Save the name and label when you next buy a clematis. Or secure firmly to the plant or its support. So you know what to do and when to prune Jennyh.
13 Jul, 2011
I will remember that advise the next time I buy a clematis, unfortunately this one was already in the garden when we came.
13 Jul, 2011
Previous question
« I'm obviously coming across as a complete novice with all these questions but...
they do make sense. The hydrangea flower could be cut off now but the dead head tends to protect next yrs buds. If you really dont like them cut them off and prune dead stems in the spring.
As for the clematis I cant remember when to prune this one. As for feeding you can sprinkle growmore type food around the base any time from the spring to late summer. if it doesnt rain for a day or too after then water it in.
13 Jul, 2011