By Wendikins
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Jut discovered mealy bugs on my indoor palm. Anyone know how to get rid of them ?
13 Jul, 2011
Paint them with Meths. Never fails.
14 Jul, 2011
Thanks for that. I read on the internet to spray with water and if that didn't work try a soap and water mixture. I stood them outside and the used a plant spray of water. Some persistent bugs still lingered so I used a stiff artists brush to get them out of the leaf joints and then sprayed with the hose when I was watering the other evening and it looks bug free now.
16 Jul, 2011
If you don't mind chemicals, use Provado Ultimate Bug Killer. But stand it outside or in the garage to spray as you don't want it going everywhere indoors! After the spray has dried you can put it back indoors. Otherwise the mealy bugs can be washed off with cotton buds or meths.
13 Jul, 2011