By Bmulock
United Kingdom
does any body know what could be eating my honeysuckle,,it seems to be making all the leafs brown it even eating the flowers as they bloom,ive used my ultimate bug killer and slug pellets,there is no sign of any insects on leafs etc,can anyone help? kind regards beverley
16 Jul, 2011
I've had a problem with 'Golden Trumpet' variety ... thrips were the cause and I've cut it down to the ground!
16 Jul, 2011
Could you post a picture, so that we could see the exact symptoms? Exactly how it is turning brown is important in the diagnosis.
17 Jul, 2011
hi thanx forall your replys,,will take pic and post it,, and to reply to ianplant we do seem to have a lot of earwigs in our garden this year so will check them after dark to see if its them if so how to i kill them?????? thanx again bev
17 Jul, 2011
I use Wilkinsons own brand "ant and crawling insect killer"which costs £2.58. It dosnt mention earwigs on the spraycan so I found two earwigs prepared to take the test,a quick spray , and within the minute they were both asleep.
17 Jul, 2011
Go out after dark with a torch and you will find earwigs.
16 Jul, 2011