By Mpolo
Norfolk, United Kingdom
phalaenopsis, why are the leaves starting to turn yellow, there are still a load of white flowers, my purple ones are doing fine, thank you
- 17 Jul, 2011
had it for about two years, same place dont know what i have done other one is fine, should i give it more water,
17 Jul, 2011
Take it our of the cache pot, I assume you have it in one, and look at the roots inside the clear growing pot if they are white then run rain or tap water through them until they start to go green. Don't let your phal stand in water ever. You might want to consider investing in a small tub of orchid feed, it will last for years!
17 Jul, 2011
Previous question
In full sun? Or have you actually managed to underwater a phal?
17 Jul, 2011