By Bredakelly
United Kingdom
This is in response to Bamboo's request for Photo's of my problem with my Japanese Cherry Blossom Tree.

18 Jul, 2011
To me it looks suspiciously like borers. Do you have those in the UK?
23 Jul, 2011
No, Tugbrethil - we have various little beetles which get under the bark in very old trees, but not borers.
24 Jul, 2011
Count yourself lucky! Means that I really can't help with the cause of the oozing, though.
24 Jul, 2011
I do count myself lucky, Bamboo - we pay a price with the poor weather, but the advantage is far fewer nasty beasties....
25 Jul, 2011
If that's oozing out of the tree trunk, specially if it has a smell, and continues after you've tried to flush it off, it may be bacterial canker, which is not good, means you need to get rid of it. Could also be slime mould though...
18 Jul, 2011