By Raymondo1112
United Kingdom
I have a tomato plant that was grown in 2010 which was kept in the conservatory that produced 1 tomato by January 2011 and it was about 12" tall. We decided to keep it on the window sill in the bedroom as it was not fading at all.
Since then it has grown up and out to 4' x 3' and produced this month a crop of tomatos and has no sign of ageing nor fading.
My question is: is this unique?
Ray Vaughan
19 Jul, 2011
Tomato is strictly speaking a perennial, so its not unusual.
20 Jul, 2011
Not unusual as long as they don't freeze. My old Scoutmaster kept a 'Yellow Pear' tomato as a vine on the east side of his house for three years.
22 Jul, 2011
Hi Ray welcome to Goy-- have a look around its friendly here--, if you started the seed very late and kept it in the house it would probably become a biennial, if it wasn't for the cold I may be able to keep them over the winter although I don't think it would be worth it, theres a new idea now to graft varieties on vigorous rootstock and I don't know when they start them off.
19 Jul, 2011