By Chezza
United Kingdom
I have a very large tub with Day Lillies but this is the
second year i have had no flowers help
19 Jul, 2011
If the flowers are not as prolific as in previous years the plant probably needs dividing. When you say 'this is the 2nd year' does that mean they have been in the same pot and compost for at least three years? Division is done in spring or early autumn. Cut the foliage back after dividing, long or damaged roots can be trimmed back to reduce the stress to the plant. If repotting do use new compost and dont forget to spread the roots over a mound of compost and firm very gently.
19 Jul, 2011
Yes agree with drc726, i find that dividing hemoracallis improves flowering.
19 Jul, 2011
They are fairly resistant to dry conditions and aren't the first plant to droop with little watering! They can take a couple of years to build up to flower. Any chance of putting them in the ground, they would enjoy this more as their roots go down a foot or so.
20 Jul, 2011
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Even in the ground this year in my garden they really didn't make many flowers. Could be too dry as mine were, with an 8 week drought, or not really suited as a container plant. Lots of feeding and water as the leaves start to grow. That is all I can suggest Chezza.
19 Jul, 2011