By Sparkly
United Kingdom
Lilium oriental 'casa blanca' I bought good quality bulbs and planted them in new compost in large pots. They grew well but have now got quite tall and leggy with only a few tiny buds-some don't have any at all. Any ideas?
20 Jul, 2011
Excessive fertilizing/feeding can promote disease and soft growth.
20 Jul, 2011
High potash feed shouldn't produce soft growth though?
21 Jul, 2011
What size (diameter in cm) were the bulbs? Some companies advertise "Premium Grade #1 Bulbs!", and then deliver runts or younglings.
22 Jul, 2011
Thanks for all these comments.
I think the bulbs were premium size-from de Jager quite a reputable company and they have agreed to replace them. I do think that it was my 'fault' though!
Bulbaholic-will start feeding them but not sure whether to put them in the ground or leave in the pot. ?
30 Jul, 2011
Either, Sparkly, whatever you fancy. Whichever you choose, leave them in the pot until the foliage has completely died away and then let the pot of compost dry off for a while. Empty the bulbs out and replant in new compost in a pot or plant in the garden. There is no need to keep the bulbs until spring. The old compost can be spread on the garden.
1 Aug, 2011
Thanks. I will try that
3 Aug, 2011
If you have just bought the bulbs and planted them earlier in the year then the problem is with the bulb. They should flower beautifully the first year. You need to start feeding them with half strength tomato feed now and hope for better results next year.
20 Jul, 2011