By Bodger99
Stanmore, Middlesex,
United Kingdom
(The photo was taken on July 19th.)
I've no idea what this is - anyone know?
As you can see, it's in a very small pot and I've had it for years. Every spring, I cut it back really hard and give it a general liquid feed once it starts growing. It's very variegated and it never flowers. It does get rather leggy and woody at the base as the summer goes on.
When I think about it, is there any chance it's some sort of herb?

21 Jul, 2011
Brilliant! Thanks very much.
22 Jul, 2011
You're welcome :-)
23 Jul, 2011
Artemisia vulgaris 'Oriental Limelight'. Artemisia is also known as wormwood. I wouldn't eat it if I were you, though it's a traditional remedy for intestinal worms..... and some people have an allergic reaction if they handle it. I've had it and lost it in winter as it's not all that hardy.
21 Jul, 2011