United Kingdom
Why has my box ball not made any leaf growth any at all this year? I bought and planted it this spring. Is it building roots underground this season but waiting for next year to make leaf growth?

22 Jul, 2011
Judging by the picture i can see some signs of growth, dont forget we did have a few dry months at the start of the year, i find that if you give them a good watering they will soon put new growth on, and keep them watered every two weeks through the summer, when watering box i prefer to carefully trickle the water through the top and round the base, have you got this box in a container/pot?
22 Jul, 2011
Thats just what I wasthinking today Jonathan - very little new growth and I havent had to trim them at all, and yet the colour has stay very good.
22 Jul, 2011
Good morning everyone. It was given Miraclegrow granules in the spring. It has also had a little bit of liquid feed since then, so unlikely short of nutrients. It is growing in John Innes in a big container with some soil conditioner mixed in. It was bought from a garden centre just marked 'soil conditionr'. Loads of regular soakings with a hose from spring through to summer, so rarely too much dryness. and like you say, just the tiniest amount of growth only. Mysteriously, my other box balls have been growing very productively.
23 Jul, 2011
All mine are in the ground and the shaped ones are the one that seem to be dormant but very healthy - strange! I think it was that we had summer before spring this year
23 Jul, 2011
That is very interesting. I am glad to know I am not the only one. So we could say it is uncommon but normal. By the way, is a reply received on GOY called a "tweet"?
23 Jul, 2011
I dont belong to things like twitter or facebook so things like Tweets pass me by Jonathan, my daughter thinks I am so behind it is not worth trying to educate me she says it would be quicker to walk across China lol.
23 Jul, 2011
I am just the same. I am 46, but I am an "Oldie".
24 Jul, 2011
I wish I was 46 J
24 Jul, 2011
I see some signs of new growth on it myself, but not a lot. When you planted it, did you mix a complete, slow acting fertilizer into the backfill? If you used a soil conditioner, what type was it, and how much? Did you water it very deeply (5-10 gallons) right after planting? How often has it got watered since?
22 Jul, 2011