By Sydney
harlow essex,
United Kingdom
why are my bizzie lizzies dieing if i brush my hand over them a white dust comes off them?
22 Jul, 2011
many thanks for your advice
23 Jul, 2011
The best summer ever for Biz Liz was a very hot one we had some years ago. I had planted my elderly neighbour's front window boxes with BL and they bloomed their socks off. The sun was off them by 11am. Provided they were watered and fed they were pleased to be alive and well. They even seeded and flirted their seeds around. This wet, wet, wet summer does not suit them, so it seems.
23 Jul, 2011
thanks for your advice
24 Jul, 2011
It sounds like downy mildew. Mildew likes mild summers that are wet. Like the recent weather. When you run your hand through it you get a horrible white powder on your hand. You need to thin out the plantings around the infected Busy Lizzies and burn/bin any infected plants or it may spread to other plants in your garden.
22 Jul, 2011