By Sybildodds
United Kingdom
Can anyone help? I have had this problem for two years in my garden, the season starts perfectly then when everything is just flowering nicely, then this what looks like lack of iorn,with the stems and leaves turning white. It does seem to only attack new plants, but saying that it has got to both of my grapevines??

23 Jul, 2011
How strange, I would like to know too! What a shame.
If it is a virus dont touch affected plants and then unaffected ones as this could spread it.Wash your hands to prevent spread.
23 Jul, 2011
Definitely not any kind of nutrient deficiency. Are you or your neighbors using any kind of herbicides this time of year?
24 Jul, 2011
Previous question
I will be interested to hear what this is! because it looks like a virus to me?
23 Jul, 2011