By Valatwell
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, my problem is my lawn (probably 40 years old). I have a ring about a foot wide of dead grass and inside it the grass is growing longer than the rest of the lawn. Someone said it sounds like a Fairy Ring - does anyone know how to cure it. It came up last year, so last autumn I dug out the dead ring part and reseeded and in the beginning of spring the new grass was fine, but then it reverted to the dead ring in exactly the place. Any ideas, it ruins the look of the otherwise nice lawn.
23 Jul, 2011
Have you got any fungi growing?, i dont think there is anything on the market for this, some years its worse than others i find but it never goes away, digging out the ring is rather pointless as trying to get rid of the fungal spores is impossible, i tried the same as you many years ago for a client who insisted on digging the ring out and adding new soil and turf, i explained the situation and once completed it was not long before it returned it was a futile excercise.
23 Jul, 2011
The problem is that the main part of the fungus is well underground and is a network of fine white threads called mycelium. If you replace the turf the mycelium remains untouched and will carry on as normal. You are unlucky that you have a ring of dead grass - often you get a ring of darker green. If you keep your eye on it during the autumn you should see a ring of small brown toadstools which are the fruiting bodies of the fungus. As it isn't going to go away would it be feasible to make a flower bed where the ring is?
23 Jul, 2011
i thaught it was hard to get rid of but i wasnt sure . thanx for that everyone .
23 Jul, 2011
Thank you everyone for your replies, I hope this doesn't mean it will spread to the whole lawn, that would be a disaster because it would mean I couldn't even replace it if the fungus is deep down and cannot he cured. If I made a small flower bed where the ring is, as Steragram advised, wouldn't the fungus infect the flowers? Thanks again for all your advice.
27 Jul, 2011
the fungus would hardly if at all show in a flower bed thow as the ring gets bigger then so your flower bed will have to follow . it should just grow out bigger and bigger and the inside should recover .
28 Jul, 2011
But it only gets bigger very slowly.
28 Jul, 2011
so is life some things you got to lurn to live with realy .
29 Jul, 2011
its a ring of fungi and the ring will get bigger and bigger as it spreads and takes out of the soil what it needs . i dont think you can do a whole lot about it realy but i may be wron
23 Jul, 2011