hi, i have a victoria plum tree that has this disease in the photos i have sprayed for sawfly but i am still getting the problem can you identify please and tell me of a cure keith
By Coloquil
United Kingdom
i have a victoria plum tree that has this disease in the photos i have sprayed for sawfly but i am still getting the problem can you identify please and tell me of a cure

24 Jul, 2011
thank you for your reply bamboo have sprayed with a sawfly killer from garden centre but still have lost plums again
3 Aug, 2011
Did you do it at the right time though?
4 Aug, 2011
Usual method for control is to spray with permethrin, pirimiphos-methyl or fenitrothion ( which ever is still available) seven to ten days after petal fall of the blossoms. If possible, remove any damaged fruitlets before the larvae leave to go into the soil, where they will over winter.
27 Jul, 2011