By Topaz21
United Kingdom
I planted 3 long black carrot shaped bulbs 2 years ago and they flower in late summer producing a shrub like plant with a profusion of magenta white and yellow bell like clusters...the white being very fragrant. After flowering the plant dies and takes on a hard bone like stem which gradually diminishes leaving white bone like fragments. In early spring there was an abundance of small seedlings from the area and I pulled them thinking they were weeds. However this year I left them to see what they were and they have proven to be many small "carrot " bulbs. My question is what are they as I have no idea and how should they be managed. Sorry no photo to send.
25 Jul, 2011
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If you want them I would leave them where they are if there's room and move them next year when they've grown a bit. They sound lovely - if you have too many perhaps you would like to offer the "carrots" on here when they have gone dormant? Shame you can't put a photo on - I'd love to see them.
25 Jul, 2011