Lavendar and bizzie lizzies help please
By Brenda57
United Kingdom
can anyone advise how much water these lavendar 'trees' should have? mine are really going brown on the inside, and I'm not sure if I am under or over watering them!
please help
I am also having trouble with Bizzie Lizzie pots which bloomed beautifully, but have now been striped bear of flowers and leaves!! No sign of slugs. I wonder if B&Q have had a problem this year, as many seem to have originated from there?
25 Jul, 2011
Lavender is a Mediterranean plant and usually tolerates a reasonable amount of dryness. they shouldn't be kept wet, but on the other hand don't leave them bone dry for ages!
If they are planted in the ground they shouldn't need a lot of watering. I wonder if you have an ants nest under the plant - this killed one of mine once. Are they still nice and green on the outside?
I'm sure your Busy Lizzie problem is nothing to do with B & Q - as Bamboo says it's a common problem- may be slugs or snails, though its hard to catch them at it!
25 Jul, 2011
It seems to me from a lot of the blogs, people need to find a friendly sweep who doesnt want to take soot home!
Slugs come out on warm nights when you are not looking.
They have even eaten young carrot plants on an area I forgot to rake soot in.
I put an extra row of Potatoes in. For the sweep !
26 Jul, 2011
I'm still confused - what on earth is a lavender tree? Unless you mean they're standards, on a long stem?
26 Jul, 2011
Yes Bamboo - that is exactly what I mean - sorry for the confusion! They are in a pot by my front door, and no ants next underneath - I have just checked!
Sorry to be so vague - novice, impatient gardener trying to get things right in one season!
26 Jul, 2011
You're not watering sufficiently, I'd guess, if they're brown in the middle - unless they're more than 2 years old, in which case, dead wood is normal.
26 Jul, 2011
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There seems to be some problem with busy lizzies generally this year, many people have complained theirs have become defoliated and just died.
As for the other part of your question, please check the name of the plant you mean 'laverer' is not a plant, so unless you're speaking of lavatera, I can't think of anything else it might be.
25 Jul, 2011