Pruning cistus
By Jackrc18
United Kingdom
I have heard that you shouldnt prune cistus.
Any experience and, if you can, when and by how much?
27 Jan, 2009
Once you start to prune it the plant never really sprouts from down low and ends up looking bad. It may be an idea to take some semi ripe cuttings in summer and grow a new one to replace it in a couple of years. A light trim over the top in spring is OK.
29 Jan, 2009
Thanks everyone, its pretty much as i suspected. Take some cuttings and up it comes. A visit to the nursery in spring and get something similar...but easier to prune!
8 Feb, 2009
Prune after flowering, but don't cut back below the lowest leaves. A light trim hould be OK
27 Jan, 2009