By Catkin06
United Kingdom
I have a Magnolia Stellata that has been growing in the garden for about three years and is approx 3 feet tall, would i be able to put it into a large pot or is it best to leave it alone?
27 Jul, 2011
Answers'll kill it if you dig it up!
27 Jul, 2011
Magnolias are also particularly sensitive to root disturbance.
27 Jul, 2011
Thanks all! so glad i found this web site i have been asking about this for ages!!
28 Jul, 2011
Leave it alone - trees only just survive in pots, and after three years this one ought to have a jolly good root system that you'd have to hack about horribly to get it into a container. If you must grow a magnolia in a pot you could get a smaller one and keep it in there for a few years, but it would really be much better off in the ground.
27 Jul, 2011