By Bredakelly
United Kingdom
My busy lizzies , which are mostly in pots, put on a great show to start with but now they are not looking very healthy with some yellowing on the leaves and flowers dropping too quickly. Can anyone suggest a remedy. They are well watered so it can't be that.

27 Jul, 2011
They too look great to me cant see anything wrong.
28 Jul, 2011
They look fine there. If you meant to post a different picture, is there good drainage and may have overwatered them?
Are there any signs of pests?
28 Jul, 2011
Thanks to all who replied and I must appologise as I posted the wrong picture, but I can assure you all that the ailing ones look nothing like that. I have sprayed them with a bug killer and yes they have adequate drainage. Still hoping.
28 Jul, 2011
Nobody's seem to have done well this year and there have been heaps of questions like this over the past few weeks - nobody seems to know why for sure.
28 Jul, 2011
Is that the picture you wanted to put on, because they look fine to me?
27 Jul, 2011