By Blencowe
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
just harvested one of my containers of maris piper pots got 28 fair sized and 12 marble size from 5 seed pots,very pleased with my firsrt attempt at growing them.Any suggestions as what to do with the potato compost as it looks healthy,can i dig it in to my flower bed as it could do with it as the soil is very sticky being a lot of clay in there ..What is the best way to store seeds until next year? i have got quite a lot of viola seeds and fancy having o go at growing my own plants next year
27 Jul, 2011
Peter Seabrook, who writes for Amateur Gardening advocates reusing your potato compost. So that's what I shall do, but I may add some slow release fertilizer to give it a boost.
27 Jul, 2011
I wouldn't use the potato compost compost for growing potatoes or tomatoes again as it could contain diseases picked up this year. It should be OK to use it for unrelated crops next year and will be excellent for improving the soil in your flower beds. Just make sure that you have found every last, tiny potato or you will be growing them in the flower beds next year!
Your viola seeds will be best stored in an envelope in the fridge until you want them next year.
28 Jul, 2011
Viola seeds take about 6-8 weeks from germination to flower. They are also pretty hardy. I would put the potato compost into the flower bed now and sow the Viola seeds. You should get a display by the end of August/early Sept. You will also get more seeds - speculate to accumulate!
28 Jul, 2011
thanks to everyone for their advice,i had heard about not growing potatoes in old compost before, but was uncertain about growing other plants in it,i was loath to throw it out as it looks really healthy and i will use it to grow the viola seeds for another show in august.With regards to the potato containers,they are strong woven green pvc or plastic (im not sure which)and can be bought at most gardening places for around 99p to £1 99 i got mine from JTF store,they are re useable i imagine once they have been sterilised
28 Jul, 2011
well done you! i have been thinking about growing potatoes, but cant plant into the ground directly as rabbits invade and eat everything. what sort of containers did you use???
27 Jul, 2011