United States
I bought a Blue sapphire last year-planted it and it bloomed beautifully- but then when the flower died out in fall -it never returned-there are green leaves but no flower-what can I do? thanks!
30 Jul, 2011
I think it might be Blue Sapphire Flax. If it is, the Latin name is Linum perenne. It likes full sun and well drained soil but can adapt to most soil types - yet it still dosn't like wet roots.
30 Jul, 2011
I googled "Blue sapphire plant" and lots of different species came up - Linum, Ceanothus, Phlox, Wisteria, Primula, Lobelia, Dichroa, Browallia, Eryngium...
I don't think we can give an anwer til we find out what the plant is.
30 Jul, 2011
My apologies for 'having a go'. I thought anyone could have a try. I didn't say it was! I said 'might be'. That was because a friend of mine has, what looks like an identical blue sapphire flax. 'We' wont try again.
30 Jul, 2011
I'm not getting at you, Joanii!
Please come back
30 Jul, 2011
Joanii, anyone can have a go, and we often get it wrong and are corrected by other people - that's the way we all learn from each other so don't give up on us! Look at Dorjac's question earlier today on identifying an "sticky bobs"and you will see what I mean.
Flax is beautiful isn't it - there was a field of it near where I used to live and it was a picture - never seen it like that before or since.
30 Jul, 2011
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What is the plants proper name, this sounds like a common name for something - could you give the real name please ?
30 Jul, 2011