United Kingdom
Hi, How can I stop bugs from eating the leaves of my cabbage and cauliflowers, is there something I can add to the soil so that the bugs die and not my crops.
What a pain in the back side it is, up to now I have been putting slug pellets around the base of my raised beds and apart from a suicide snail I've been lucky.
What I have found in the soil, is a tiny bright green catapillar and I have been removing them.
I have pulled the spring cabbage and most of the leaves were ok just a few little holes in them, I just hope my caulis turn out alright when the white hearts form.
Anyway thanks for your support.
31 Jul, 2011
The best way to keep caterpillars
from eating your brassicas is to net the whole plot once you have planted out the young plants! This will stop the butterflies laying their eggs. Too late for this year but next year.....:)
As for now look out for small clusters of yellow eggs on the undersides of the leaves and rub them off with your fingers , same for the caterpillars.
Slugs and snails can be caught at night when they come out to feed, or lay a beer trap for them! Sink a small container into the ground and half fill it! They are attracted by the beer, fall in and you've guessed it, die happy!!! These ideas are ideal if you don't want to use chemicals on your plot.
Happy gardening!
1 Aug, 2011
!!!oh what a pitty could I not drink the beer and breath on them lol!!
I have checked the caulis and they are fine at present, so I'll see how they go and like you say take the actions on my next crop.
My best success is the courgettes I've checked three plants and they are flowering very well and each plant has about three courgettes growing. I'm proud because I grew these from seed and with it being my first attempt has amazed me.
1 Aug, 2011
Well done, it feels really good to grow something from seed and know it was you that did it!
1 Aug, 2011
Plant White Moschata seeds. The plants grow, and self seed if you dont dig them up in the winter. The flowers attract Hoverflies on summer evenings. These feed on the nectar, then fly over and clear the bugs from the Brassicas. Get friendly with the local sweep whose wife doesnt want soot taking home. He will drop off the bags from time to time. Dig this into all your garden. Never tell him you dont want it.
24 Aug, 2011
If only there were such a thing, Greenfingers. Don't you think we'd all be using it? ;-)
What are the bugs that have been eating your brassica leaves. Have you had caterpillars? Slugs and snails? Flea beetle? Something else?
You'll have to have a good look, particularly underneath the leaves - and have a look at night to see if you can catch those pesky molluscs munching.
If you take a photo or two and post them, that would help too.
31 Jul, 2011