United Kingdom
I have a soil/infestation problem - In the soil roots and stems are being eaten cleanly through; leaves are also being cut through in circular shapes or just lines straight across the leaf (flowers, bushes, roses and trees are suffering).
I have placed many of the plants in pots as I am in a wheelchair and my husband has a false leg we need an easy to maintain but virbrant coloured garden.
I have found some tiny beetles in the soil and on the plants and of-course green fly - do you know what the beetles may be and could they be responsible for the damage and if so (how) can I solve the problem?
Many thanks for your help. Mrs Sandra McMillan
31 Jul, 2011
Hmm, if you could post a pic of the beetles, that would be useful, as Beattie says. Otherwise, a few questions - when you say 'soil', is the soil in totally open ground, or soil in the form of raised beds, contained in some way? Is the problem with all your plants, or just particular ones, and which ones are affected?
1 Aug, 2011
Previous question
Please could you edit your question and add some photos of the beetles Sandra? Without a picture we haven't a hope!
Leaf cutter bees cut circular holes in leaves and carry the rolled up piece of leaf away with them to their holes. They particularly like rose leaves.
It does sound as if you have multiple sources of trouble here.
31 Jul, 2011