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By Chotte

Georgia, United States

can anyone tell me what this plant is?my husband has been cutting it down since he bought this house ,last year the weedeater broke and i discovered all kinds of goodies we didnt know were was a foreclosure and very overgrown so he just mowed me it wont be cut down again



Look at all those butterflies on it ..... why on earth would you want to remove something that's such a nature magnet ? ? ?

1 Aug, 2011


Are they the seed heads or flowers.If seed heads could it be a clematis???

1 Aug, 2011


It's so pretty! Especially with all the butterflies :-)

1 Aug, 2011


We've just had huge excitement in our country because of ONE swallowtail butterfly, and look at all yours! Don't know what it is, but please don't dig it up.

1 Aug, 2011


Butterflys would not be drawn to seed heads so those are the flowers... no idea what it is but as Steragram says please don't chop it down.

2 Aug, 2011


It's a flower of some kind....Aha! I think that it's a Buttonbush (Cephalanthus species) of some kind.

3 Aug, 2011


i went around the yard and attached string to everything hes not allowed to cut

3 Aug, 2011


LOL! I hope it was very BRIGHT, VISIBLE string! This bush is just lovely :-) We don't seem to have it in the UK - I wonder why not, it's so beautiful.
What an exciting adventure, finding out what's in your yard.

3 Aug, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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