Flower buds dying on Orchid
By Gardenan
United Kingdom
Can anyone advise me please. My orchid forms lovely big green buds but before they flower they all turn brown and drop off. It is situated out of bright sun on the bathroom windowsill and I water it once a week with a feed every other week but so far no success. What am I doing wrong?

1 Feb, 2009
Thanks for that Joeanne - I will try spraying once a day with rainwater as you advise. I dearly want to keep this alive as it was a present from my son.
1 Feb, 2009
It certainly looks unhappy. The leaves don't look right - has it got enough light and warmth there? Phalaenopsis like a temperature of around 18+ degrees in the day dropping to 16 at night - no lower. Mine are on a lighter windowsill than yours appears to be.
Also - don't feed so often, every other watering time is plenty. When you water, make sure that you let all of it drain out of the bark compost. If the roots sit in water, they rot.
I do hope it improves, Gardenan.
1 Feb, 2009
Hi Gardenan,
It seems to be lacking leaves. Maybe there aren't enough to support the flowering. I also have one in the bathroom window but the leaves are much larger. I agree about the transparent pot. If it doesn't improve I would think about giving some fresh compost - maybe its got waterlogged.
Good luck.
1 Feb, 2009
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Hi Gardenan
Could be too much water. They like to be fairly dry to flower and may help if you transfer to clear pot as the roots love light. I spray mine once a day with rain water and only water with rain water. they hate tap. Hope that helps.
1 Feb, 2009