Parkers Perenials
By Sunday
west mids,
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone
Quick question.
I have decided to order some plants from parkers online, but even though the website is quite good as well as plant selection; they do not specify what size it plant will be on arrival. I would prefer not to have to plant on.
Can anyone answer this question for me pls?
The plants I want includes, collection of perenial herbecous borders, giant lillies, hardy geraniums and hardy fuschias.
Thanking you all in advance
2 Feb, 2009
thanks spritz. Are they really small, do u know measurements in inches approx?
2 Feb, 2009
You will find that most plants will come with one growing tip, it will take two or three years to produce a large plant. Best grown on in a nursery bed not pots.
2 Feb, 2009
Most of their perennial stuff comes in small plug form in see through cells. Imagine an egg cup and it is about the same size. The bulbs come in bags like you would buy off the shelf in packs. Depending on what sort of price you have paid for the fuschias, they may come in small pots like the size of a tea mug.
I order from them and it is generally ok, but sometimes not all of the plug plants survive. I have put mine in compost in larger pots in a cold frame ready to plant in the garden in Spring. The lillies you can pot up and put in your greenhouse or somewhere warm and the fuschias can be planted in Spring, but they will be small plants and will not have too much of an impact on your garden and Parkers plants tend to need a few years to establish themselves.
I do buy from them, but I buy with the idea of future plants, not for immediate effect.
2 Feb, 2009
My experience of Parkers backs up what everyone else is saying - their plants are very small and would definitely need to be grown on. Their bulbs are OK though
2 Feb, 2009
Thanks everybody
7 Feb, 2009
Sorry, but it seems that their plants come in small pots. That's how they keep their prices down. Lilies will of course be fine from them - I can recommend them.
2 Feb, 2009