The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

This one is from my husband! He has some beetroot in a terracotta trough on the ground. They were about 4/5 inches high, but when he looked this morning they have been stripped of all the leaves and there are just bare stems remaining. Could it be ants? Could it be pidgeons as we have quite a lot around here. Could it be rabbits, although we never see any in the garden. We live in a village and there are somen round about, but have never seen one in the garden. We also have the occasional squirrel. Just at a loss to know what is eating the beets. Hope someone can help once again.



Unlikely to be ants and the rabbits would eat the stalk as well as the leaves. That leaves pigeons as the best guess from your options.

5 Aug, 2011


Pigeons roost at night I suspect good old slug... Go out after dark with a torch and check.

5 Aug, 2011

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