By Mikecrosby01
United Kingdom
Can anyone identify this plant growing in my freinds garden, the leafs look prickly but are not, the thistle type head is very hard and spikey, small yellow flowres are appearing from the leaf joints

6 Aug, 2011
Not sure but by the first pic, I would think it includes "moving" in its name :)
6 Aug, 2011
Datura suaveolens, jimsonweed. Relative of deadly nightshade, Atropa belladonna and similar. Poisonous and psychoactive but no real problem just growing in the garden.
If you friend doesn't want it, just pull it up and get rid.
6 Aug, 2011
The yellow flowers are a different plant. The "prickly ball" is the seed head.
I grow a couple of Datura - D.metel and D.wrightii. The link below is to my D.wrightii...............
6 Aug, 2011
Commonly known as Thornapple.
7 Aug, 2011
At 6 am, I realised that my brain thought stramonium but my fingers typed suaveolens.
Datura stramonium I'd say it is. Sorry for my disobedient fingers.
8 Aug, 2011
Is it not one of those poisonous plants, can't remember it's name. Maybe someone else can help.
6 Aug, 2011