By Stevebrown
United Kingdom
I have a bay (laurel) tree which is possibly 8 to 10 years old. Over the last three months the trunk, and most branches have developed a large number of small white growths (about the size of a drawing pin head) that almost look like cotton wool, with some of them having a brown colour mixed in. It was suggested that this might be something called 'cushion fungus' but I've had no luck on the net to confirm this. Can you help, and suggest a remedy?
7 Aug, 2011
Thanks very much for your reply. I will give it a go this weekend! The leaves on the tree look fine and healthy.
13 Aug, 2011
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« achillea filipendula "cloth of gold" and "gold plate" is there...
Sounds like scale infestation, cushion scale or some other form - if its on the woody parts, and you can reach them, the easiest solution is methylated spirits - just moisten a disposable cloth (not soak, just damp) and rub it over the scale to scrape it off. You'll need more than one cloth if you have lots of them, they get mucky pretty quickly. Not suitable for use on the leaves though.
7 Aug, 2011