By Maggs
United Kingdom
Hi. i just bought a camelia, i have had two before but they died. i dont think i have the right soil for this plant. can anyone tell me what i have to get. i dont want to lose this one.
8 Aug, 2011
They need ericaecous soil, like Rhododendrons and azaleas
8 Aug, 2011
If your soil is not acid and you really want to grow camellias, your best option is to plant it in a large pot filled with ericaceous compost. You'll need to look after it more than if it were in the ground as it's dependent on you long term for water and feeding.
8 Aug, 2011
My experience with them is that they like excellent drainage, too. They need at least moderate moisture, but it is easy to drown them if you have clay soil, or a tight potting compost.
8 Aug, 2011
i grew a camelia very successfully in neutral soil in semi-shade. Found out the hard way that they don't like being moved.
8 Aug, 2011