I have had a Bourgainvillia for 9 months from when it was in flower and it has been kept inside my conservatory. With the cold weather I brought it into the house and now the leaves are turning yellow and dropping off. Should I cut it down or put it back
By Barbara25
United Kingdom
The plant is in a large pot and stands about 12inches high.
7 Feb, 2009
Milky you said don't panic - I am - I forgot my Bourgainvillia and left in the greenhouse (unheated), had it about 5 years and now well I fear it's gone.
8 Feb, 2009
Dont panic......they do loose their leaves this time of year. Keep it fairly dry and it should start to show new signs of growth as soon as we get some warmer weather....Then restart your watering and feeding.........Just keep it somewhere frost free til then.....
7 Feb, 2009