By Lilyweed
United Kingdom
I recently bought a Peace Lily with the intention of burying my cat, Lily's, ashes in it. I haven't been very green fingered with indoor plants before so am anxious to keep the plant in good condition for many years to come. At the moment it is sitting on the coffee table in the corner of the conservatory. Could you please advise how best to care for my very special plant.
10 Aug, 2011
i mite get a shrub or tree depending on the size of your garden thats a lot easier to grow and after a while can basicly look after itself . just a thaught .
10 Aug, 2011
I find peace lily very easy on a north windowsill, and hardly ever repot it - it has five flowers at present so it must be OK. But don't know what the effect on it would be with a lot of ash in the compost. Had you thought of putting the ashes in the garden and planting lily bulbs over the top?
10 Aug, 2011
Ashes are extremely alkaline. If you have more than a tablespoon or so, it is likely to kill most--if not all--plants.
11 Aug, 2011
Do you intend to keep pussies ashes on the window sill. Cats like to be outside in warm sunny areas. Perhaps, you could scatter Pusses' ashes in her favorite spot and then plant something a little more robust.
maybe plant a tree where she can file her nails.
11 Aug, 2011
just what i was thinking grannyb and something more substantial as tugbrethil has a good point as i put earlier on this question.
11 Aug, 2011
Just today I am faced with this - our dear Chester has gone from us - he would have been 21 next month and the house feels so empty. I am thinking of burying the ashes next to the catmint, but in the box, not just in the soil. But if you wanted to put them direct into the ground something like scabious or pinks that like lime might do well to mark the site if you haven't got room for a tree or shrub.(Perhaps there might be a variety with Lily in the name?) If really you wanted to stay with the peace lily you could put the ash in a plastic bag first so that it didn't come into contact with the soil, but that doesn't feel the same somehow does it?
12 Aug, 2011
21?! Good gracious, that's ancient for a cat. Sorry for your loss, Steragram, I know how it feels. I buried my last cat at almost 19 under a tall chimney pot in the border with a Phormium growing out the top - I'd never do that again, far too painful...
13 Aug, 2011
sorry about your pussy sterogram good age thow as bamboo sais x .
13 Aug, 2011
Thanks for the sympathy Bamboo and NP. I couldn't face burial in spite of lots of planning, and hope ashes will be easier. I have a pic as my computer wallpaper at present to ease the transition into no 'Chester! 19 is a very good age too Bamboo.
15 Aug, 2011
I dont mean to state the obvipus and its not always easy to think what to say but time as they say is a great healer . ashes are much better as you have all the time in the world to think what to do with them . i for instance have planted a weeping willpw over the river on some commpn land and thats wear im going . my mum of 79 just lost her dog of 13 and shes saving his ashes to go wear she goes when she passes . take care bye for now take care x x .
16 Aug, 2011
Wow NP, that's advance planning! You're right, ashes are much easier. And it isn't what you say that matters, its that you took the trouble to say it.
16 Aug, 2011
Your mpre than welcome steragram . im 50 and lile most people dpnt know when the days comming . my willpws were just little branches of of an older tree a few winters ago . Its about 20 feet now and hanging in the river helping all the wildlife for as long as its there . take care bye for now x x
17 Aug, 2011
By the time you need it in 30 years or so it will be very impressive! I don't have as long , but who knows?
17 Aug, 2011
Shush you never know so live in the now . i hope there in there prime and look stunning but who knows lll
18 Aug, 2011
Good advice NP- but I find nowadays I start wondering when I plant a shrub or a tree if I'll see through to maturity - very frustrating.
19 Aug, 2011
It cant be that bad sterogram . find a nice wild place bye a rivepr in winter . cut a piece of willow . you got nothing to lose . Push the branch into the grpund towards the water . its amazing when you see the bright green leaves in spring . xx
20 Aug, 2011
I use to help with kids wildlife club and one year we made tall willow plant supports among other things. We had to peel the bark off the bottom parts to prevent them all taking root!
21 Aug, 2011
The way i see it is that at the very least it will help nature and put something back . other funerals you just take up space for lots of mpney only to be dug up for the next guest . i know what i prefer myself and im not trying to be rude x .
24 Aug, 2011
That's horrible. At least in our little rural cemetery you're left to lie in peace as there is so much room it should last the century out!! Its a nice thought though, gently composting under a willow tree...
Got Chester's ashes back today in a lovely wooden box that's really too nice to bury! Will get around to it presently.
24 Aug, 2011
Needs to be kept out of direct sunlight, particularly in summer, but given bright light. Compost should be moist at all times, but reduce watering in winter, although the plant shouldn't be left sitting in water for longer than 30 minutes. Misting the leaves with water is beneficial to increase humidity for the plant, repot in spring every year, dividing the plant when you do, or divide every 2 years. Minimum 55 deg F in winter. Feed with something like Baby Bio during the growing season (spring/early summer usually).
10 Aug, 2011