By Jacksondscar
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I am delighted to see very many hoverflies pollinating my flowers There seems to be a large glut of them just now is this normal for this time of the year ? Never seen quite so many before
10 Aug, 2011
Same here ... Alliums and Hydrangeas seem to be their choice in my garden.
10 Aug, 2011
Eryngium..Hydrangea...Alliums...covered in bees and hoverflies! NEVER seen so many!
10 Aug, 2011
You must have MY hoverflies! We usually have loads - they like the greenfly in the sycamores - but this year most of the insects on flowers are bumble bees. We've seen a few bees recently, but haven't spotted hoverflies
10 Aug, 2011
We too don't have nearly enough pollenating insects. Wet cold weather is not helping 12˚C today and himself has the stove lit.
10 Aug, 2011
Stove lit in August - that IS bad! :-(
10 Aug, 2011
My garden is full of hoverflies as well masses of them.
10 Aug, 2011
I have a lot of hoverflies in my garden too and when I went to pick a few sweet peas the other evening I found that there were a lot in the flowers - fast asleep. I had to take the flowers outside and gently flick the hoverflies off but I felt awful disturbing them.
10 Aug, 2011
Beattie - seriously bad it was warmer in March than it is now!
10 Aug, 2011
I have loads too, along with, hooray, more bees, which certainly were not in evidence earlier on in the year. No idea why, I'm just grateful... though I'm wondering if the addition of certain plants has made a difference this year. I've added Buddleia and Erysimum, and that seems to have helped.
10 Aug, 2011