By Izzy123gym
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Passiflora caerulia...
I thought mine had been killed off completely by last winter's harshness. It looked completely dead which was upsetting as it covered large part of a side fence. I cut the whole thing down, right to the ground as all the stems were shrivelled and dead. my amazement, I have two shoots about 18 inches long climbing back up the trellis! The question is...will they survive? Is there anything I should be doing with them..or is it a case of...fingers crossed?
10 Aug, 2011
This is quite normal, once they get going it will soon clothe the fence and flowers will soon follow and should go on into the autumn, to reasure you one of my clients has a passiflora, always dies back every year and the following year comes back with vigour, we have it planted by a wisteria and looks really nice has it sprawls through the wisterias foliage.
10 Aug, 2011
Thanks Bamboo and Julien....
Mine always stayed in leaf all year round..but this year it most definitely died back...totally brittle. When I cut it to the ground, I dug under to see if there was any green under the soil...nothing! I left the root in...don't know WHY...just some sort of instinctive hope! LOL.
Is it likely to die back again then? It looks so tiny!
10 Aug, 2011
Might do if we have an arctic winter, but there's nowt you can do about it - it'll get through or it won't, Izzy, just enjoy what its doing now.
11 Aug, 2011
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Just let them do their thing, don't feed it though.
10 Aug, 2011