By F1owerp0wer
United Kingdom
I have just discovered that the tree in my garden is a greengage tree. I wasn't sure what it was as the fruit previous years has just been small a hard. However this year loads of fruit dropped off and was gobbled up by wasps who seem to love them. It was when i did a greengage tree image search I realised that's what they are. I managed to reach a couple (as they're all really high now) and they tasted lovely. Missed my opportunity now though as the ones i can reach have all fallen off and been snazzled by wasps. Do i need to prune it at any time?
11 Aug, 2011
thanks - don't think i can reach the top though :(
12 Aug, 2011
I prune mine the top during spring time, after eating your own grown you never buy those from the market. I love my trees and when I moved house they come with us.
11 Aug, 2011