By Miker
United Kingdom
is datura sanguinea fruit edible
12 Aug, 2011
From a bit of research, I gather that it is used to make a narcotic - so I agree with Tug - leave it alone! It could be extremely dangerous.
12 Aug, 2011
Very approximately, one third of the people who experiment with consuming Datura die.
13 Aug, 2011
Absolutely not! It can be lethal!
An added complication comes about if medics deliver an anesthetic, which combined with Datura can lead to respiratory failure.
A fantastic ornamental plant though - my favourite is D.wrightii which has particularly large blooms (even compared to Brugmansia blooms) and is extremely fragrant!
13 Aug, 2011
No, no! None of the Daturas or Brugmansias are edible in any part!
12 Aug, 2011