By Mark61
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi all ,i have noticed growing out of my plants is a leaf that does not match any of the plants leaves.Does anyone know what this could be?.Any help would be greatly appreciated,i know its not a weed lol.:))))

13 Aug, 2011
Der me what is a ladys mantle ,thankyou so much for letting me know .Its been quizzing my mind for ages lol.What part of the garden would it like?At the moment it is in the sun most of the day .Thankyou again Mark:))))
13 Aug, 2011
Its a perennial and forms a clump and small yellow flowers are born on long stems aprox12/18 inch, looks good at the front of the border and this perennial does well in shade and full sun will do well potted up in a nice container, once flowers fade to brown then cut down to avoid it self seeding all over the place, on days when there is very fine rain and on damp dewy mornings you will notice tiny droplets of rain which shine silver and look like droplets of pearls, so beautifull and well worth keeping.
13 Aug, 2011
Julien, what a perfect description! I love the raindrops on the leaves. Mark, if you have a flower arranger in the house the dainty yellow flower sprays are perfect. I never remember to cut off the dead flower heads and they have indeed seeded all over the place.
13 Aug, 2011
Previous question
Hello yers its a seedling from the perennial Alchamilla mollis also known as ladys mantle, lift at the back end and plant in your favoured position.
13 Aug, 2011