By Jep
United Kingdom
my courgettes have all got lovely flowers but no courgettes why other years l have had loads of courgettes after the flowers have died this year nothing
14 Aug, 2011
I agree with the last answer the start of the year was wet
wind so insects do not fly
however are ther any signs of stem lesions solid
swellings if so then root knot eelworm my be there
14 Aug, 2011
thanks but can you tell me how l can hand pollenate sorry if l,m abit thick other years l have just had loads of veg and not had to worry
14 Aug, 2011
Take a child's paint brush dip in the pollen of the male flower and then dust the pollen into the female flowers
14 Aug, 2011
thank you
14 Aug, 2011
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Lack of pollenating insects, you will need to hand pollenate with a small paint brush or Q tip
14 Aug, 2011